
Thema: Atemwegerkrankungen

Science Daily

Genetic analysis of 25,000 Chinese mothers and infants reveals unique genes associated with disease...

Genome-wide association studies have great potential for advancing our understanding of the genetic background of diseases, but so far, few association studies have focused...
Science Daily

Experimental blood test predicts risk for developing COPD, other severe respiratory diseases

A scientific team has created a preclinical blood test to identify adults most likely to develop severe respiratory conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease...
Science Daily

Women with asthma are more likely to miscarry and need fertility treatment

Women who are being treated for asthma are more likely to miscarry and need fertility treatment to get pregnant, according to a large study....
Science Daily

Mucus-based bio-ink could be used to print and grow lung tissue

Lung diseases kill millions of people around the world each year. Treatment options are limited, and animal models for studying these illnesses and experimental...
Science Daily

Recurrent wheezing in children linked to ’silent‘ viral infections

Nearly a quarter of children with recurrent wheezing have 'silent' lung infections that would be better treated with antiviral medications than commonly prescribed steroids...

FOCUS-online-Gesundheitscheck – Wie fit ist Ihre Lunge? Mit drei schnellen Tests zuhause finden Sie...

Wer nicht raucht und öfter Sport treibt, schafft gute Voraussetzungen für eine gesunde Lunge. Wie fit das Organ wirklich ist, kann ein Lungenfunktionstest beim...
Science Daily

Air pollution exposure during childhood linked directly to adult bronchitis symptoms

A research team has shown that exposure to air pollution during childhood is directly associated with bronchitis symptoms as an adult. To date, many...

Podcasts | Pneumologie

Falls Sie bis jetzt noch nicht zu den Podcast-Hörern zählen: Ein Podcast ist eine Art Radioshow, die man abonniert und dann mit dem Laptop...

Stadieneinteilung der COPD wichtig für Therapie im jeweiligem Stadium

Die Stadieneinteilung der COPD ist zur besseren Früherfassung und Vereinheitlichung der Beurteilung und Therapie im jeweiligen Stadium nützlich. Durch die Stadieneinteilung der COPD soll...
Science Daily

New insights on polymicrobial infections in chronic lung diseases

Chronic lung diseases are often accelerated and exacerbated by polymicrobial infections. An international study has identified two types of these so-called dysbioses in cystic...