
Thema: Lungenerkrankungen

Science Daily

New scan method unveils lung function secrets

A new method of scanning lungs is able to show in real time how air moves in and out of the lungs as people take a breath in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and patients who have received a lung transplant. It enables experts to see the functioning of transplanted lungs and could enable medics to identify sooner any decline in lung function.
Science Daily

The nose knows: Nasal swab detects asthma type in kids

A new, non-invasive nasal swab test for kids that diagnoses specific asthma subtype, or endotype, could help clinicians prescribe medications more precisely and pave the way for research toward better treatments for lesser-studied asthma types, which have been difficult to diagnose accurately until now.

What are the different types of asthma?

There are several different types of asthma, and each has its own set of triggers. Some common types include allergic, nonallergic, seasonal, occupational, and...
Science Daily

First new treatment for asthma attacks in 50 years

A recent trial finds an injection given during some asthma and COPD attacks is more effective than the current treatment of steroid tablets, reducing the need for further treatment by 30%.
Science Daily

Unlocking worm strategies: A path to innovative vaccines and therapies

A research team has uncovered a molecular strategy employed by worm parasites (helminths) to evade host immune defenses. This discovery opens new avenues for the development of innovative vaccines and therapies. The study offers promising solutions for addressing major infectious diseases, allergies, and asthma by leveraging the unique immune-regulatory properties of helminths.
Lungenärzte im Netz

Was ist eine Hausstaubmilbenallergie?

Eine Hausstaubmilbenallergie wird nicht durch die Milben selbst, sondern durch das Einatmen ihres (im Hausstaub mit enthaltenen) Kotes ausgelöst. Man spricht auch von einer...

Asthma: Ursachen und Risikofaktoren

Asthma tritt in einigen Familien häufiger auf als in anderen, was auf ein gewisses familiäres Risiko schließen lässt. Weitere Risikofaktoren für Asthma sind zum...
Science Daily

Researchers develop robotic sensory cilia that monitor internal biomarkers to detect and assess airway...

Mechanical engineers have developed a system of artificial cilia capable of monitoring mucus conditions in human airways to better detect infection, airway obstruction, or the severity of diseases like Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and lung cancer.
Science Daily

The Salton Sea — an area rich with lithium — is a hot spot...

Windblown dust from the shrinking Salton Sea harms the respiratory health of children living nearby, triggering asthma, coughing, wheezing and disrupted sleep, USC research shows. The problem is likely to intensify in a hotter climate, with evaporation exposing more and more of the lake bed, or playa, leading to more dust events.

COPD und Lungenemphysem sind chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankungen

Die COPD bezeichnet als Sammelbegriff eine Gruppe von Krankheiten der Lunge, die durch Husten, vermehrten Auswurf und Atemnot (AHA) gekennzeichnet sind. Die Erkrankungen sind...