
Thema: Asthma


2024 Asthma Capitals™ Report: How Location Can Impact Asthma

AAFA’s 2024 Asthma Capitals™ Report Highlights the Most Challenging Places in the U.S. to Live with Asthma The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America...
Science Daily

Women with asthma are more likely to miscarry and need fertility treatment

Women who are being treated for asthma are more likely to miscarry and need fertility treatment to get pregnant, according to a large study....

FDA Approves neffy® Epinephrine Nasal Spray for Treating Severe Allergic Reactions

Epinephrine is the first-line treatment for severe allergic reactions, but far too often, people do not use or get it when needed. The FDA’s...

Ask Congress to Support the Indoor Air Quality and Healthy Schools Act

Students are healthier and learn better when their indoor air is cleaner. When children don’t have asthma symptoms triggered by poor air quality, they...
Science Daily

Recurrent wheezing in children linked to ’silent‘ viral infections

Nearly a quarter of children with recurrent wheezing have 'silent' lung infections that would be better treated with antiviral medications than commonly prescribed steroids...

FOCUS-online-Gesundheitscheck – Wie fit ist Ihre Lunge? Mit drei schnellen Tests zuhause finden Sie...

Wer nicht raucht und öfter Sport treibt, schafft gute Voraussetzungen für eine gesunde Lunge. Wie fit das Organ wirklich ist, kann ein Lungenfunktionstest beim...

Allergisches Asthma – Was ist das?

Beim Asthma bronchiale – auch Bronchialasthma oder einfach Asthma genannt – handelt es sich um eine chronisch-entzündliche Atemwegserkrankung, welche bei Kindern und Erwachsenen auftreten...

July Research Update: Asthma, CSU, and Eczema Treatments

Welcome to our July research update! Getting involved with research is an important way to impact asthma and allergy treatments, education, and awareness. This...

Asthma and Heat: Managing Your Symptoms and Risk

Heat can affect anyone. But if you have asthma , heat might affect you even more. You can manage the effects of heat on...
Science Daily

Air pollution exposure during childhood linked directly to adult bronchitis symptoms

A research team has shown that exposure to air pollution during childhood is directly associated with bronchitis symptoms as an adult. To date, many...