Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition. It causes areas of skin to become discolored, itchy, and inflamed. Various treatments can help reduce inflammation and other eczema symptoms. The symptoms of eczema typically get worse during “flare-up” periods. During a flare-up, the affected skin may become very itchy. Scratching can then cause skin to crack or swell.
Topical steroids or other treatments can help reduce itchiness, swelling, and other symptoms. Eczema can cause or worsen inflammatory responses in the body. In some cases, inflammatory responses to lifestyle factors may also increase the chance of developing eczema.
This article will explore the link between eczema and inflammation. Keep reading to learn about what causes inflammation, how to treat it, and more…
Quelle: MedicalNewsToday
Medically reviewed by Amanda Caldwell, MSN, APRN-C | Written by Carolyn Farnsworth
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